Because we understand that your top priority is to get your goods to your customers on time and in full, we offer a full spectrum of transport logistics solutions to ensure you have the flexibility to send different sizes of consignment without having to find a new provider.
With so many options available you can rest assured that we will be able to deliver your consignment, regardless of its size. And if there’s ever a time where you need some advice on choosing the right solution, our transport team, who have more than 5 years’ experience.
- Storage Enterprise (Port Kelang) SDN BHD Shipping provides a reliable, top quality satisfied logistics & large storage capacity service
- We operate 24/7 with highly skilled and enthusiastic employees and with care for people. We use complex networks of onshore terminals, storage tanks.
We operate a global network of terminals located at strategic locations along major trade routes and a strong focus on sustainability, including safety, we ensure safe efficient and clean storage and handling of bulk liquid products and gases for our customers. The most organisations terminal facilities as a need to support their core activity and as such do not necessarily have the in house skills and expertise to operate a bulk storage terminals to its optimal requirements.